Progess of the Terror

  • Maximilien Robespierre emerged as the chief on the Committee of Public Safety
    • The Jacobin club was the base of his power
    • He depended on support from the sans-culottes of Paris
    • he was opposed to dechristianization
  • The Reign of Terror manifested itself through a series of revolutionary tribunals (judgements) established by the Convention during the summer of 1793
  • Marie Antoinette and other members of the royal family were executed in October 1793
Marie Antoinette's Execution

  • Robespierre turned the Terror against republican political figures
  • June 10: a secured law permitted the revolutionary tribunal to convict suspects without evidence
  • May 1794: Robespierre established the Cult of Supreme Being (a new religion)
    • Robespierre was executed July 28 by Convention
Maximilien Robespierre

  • The Reign of Terror claimed 40,000 victims
  • The Terror came to an end with factors such as:
    • provincial uprisings being crushed and
    • war against foreign enemies was going well